The Full Story
Hello, dear friends. In January, 2020, God led me to begin sharing with friends some "Golden Nuggets" I gleaned from reading many wonderful Christian books by many anointed Christian writers. This led to separate postings about my reflections on those Golden Nuggets. It soon became a "fire shut up in my bones" to share what the Lord was putting on my heart, and recently, the Lord told me it was time to expand to a blog. Since I am tech-challenged, this was a bit daunting. But after many prayers and much researching, I finally made the decision, and here I am, totally out of my comfort zone once again! I ask for prayers, grace, and mercy as I learn how to do this.
You may be wondering why I chose to title the blog, "Soaring with Eagles Wings" rather than "Golden Nuggets."
The reason is because of a mini vision, or picture really, the Lord gave me in early March, 2020. That picture and the revelations that came with it over a period of weeks became the catalyst to transformation, booting me firmly out of my comfort zone. You can read about it in the article, "Eagle Vision, March 8, 2020."
Hugs and Blessings,
Syandra Ingram